putting colleges out of business

Welcome Back, Hustler!

We’ve finally moved our newsletter over to Beehiv, and the move is just about complete.

Have I told you how much I love Beehiiv? If you’re looking for a new email platform, I definitely recommend it - check them out here!

Read Time: 2 minutes

What We’re Working On…

We’re making major moves in our effort to put some colleges out of business.


No, but seriously.

DTBU (Destroy The Box University) is getting an overhaul, and we’re pushing hard to get new courses up.

More details coming soon…

I also tried a different style of content on YouTube.

It was fun - a vlog-style vid that tracked what I worked on for a day.

I found it useful to keep me on track — I’ll definitely create a few more of these in the future (let me know if you find them interesting or not).

Personal Finance Tip

Wealthfront just increased their interest rates — again!

So if you haven’t, open an account with them - this link gets you even higher interest (at 5.30%)

Even just $100 would get you $4.80 free.

If you start with $1,000 that’s $480 you’ll make this year.

All for opening a simple account!

I wrote a bit more about the company and my experience in this article.

As a look to improve this email, please provide feedback below!

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I can’t wait to keep improving this newsletter so reply back and let me know what you want to see more of!