Tesla Cybertruck

Analyzing Buying One


Read Time: 2.75 minutes.

First, a welcome to the 81 new box destroyers that have joined us in the last 30 days!

Note: I’m constantly asked what tools I use in my business for different things. Here’s my current list of tools. Reply to this email and ask me anything about them - happy to help.

Tesla Cybertrucks are Shipping

What the heck does a Cybertruck have to do with online business?

We’ll get there.

But first…

I made a reservation 5 years ago for a Tesla Cybertruck.

If I’m honest, I equally love and hate the design of the truck.

But I was happy to put down $100 fully refundable deposit.

Now, it’s here - they’re producing and shipping them.

And I have a decision to make.

It costs $100,000!

I’ve never spent this much on a vehicle in my life.

Which seems a bit crazy.

Except for this…

Car Guru has plenty of them for sale for close to $200,000.

The reason is supply and demand.

But here’s the catch.

Tesla won’t allow you to re-sell it within the first year.

Well, you can, but you have to give Tesla the right to buy it back (discounted by its use, of course).

There is a potential $50k penalty from Tesla if you resell it within the first year.

(Tesla would have to sue you — it’s not really clear how this would work).

So, I’ve done a bit of number crunching…

$100k purchase.
$10k interest holding cost.
$5k insurance.
$50k penalty paid to Tesla.

I’d need to sell it for $180,000 in order to profit $15,000.

I don’t think this sales price is out of the question.

The other thought is to hold it for a year and sell it after that point.

Of course, the risk here is that the vehicles aren’t worth the same at that point due to the increased supply of cars in the market.

Ok, so what does this have to do with online business?

My thinking is that the vehicle will gain local attention and may lead to opportunities for our local media brand.

Maybe it helps me sponsor more local events (and get links back to my site!)

[watch below…]

I also think there is potential to create content around the vehicle (much like I’m doing with this email).

It would make for fun YouTube content if I’m able to buy and then sell it.

I’m also a side hustler at heart and am always looking for a deal!

And I think you always have to have your eyes open to business opportunities.

What are your thoughts on the Cybertruck?

Should I invest in one?

Let me know!

Until next time…

(keep destroying that box 😉)

Helpful Resources 👀