The Midweek Must-Have [Beehiiv]

A Tool I'm Loving...


Each week, I’ll share details about a tool that I’m using or that I think is interesting.

The What…

Of course I’m going to start with Beehiiv (what I used to write this email!)

At its core, Beehiiv is software for newsletters.

But every newsletter you write also lives online as a webpage.

I recently installed Google Analytics on my Beehiiv site, and it’s getting SEO traffic (not something I expected!)

They also recently purchased an AI Website Builder and are working on integrating it into the product.

I just got word they launched the ability to have an app for your newsletter, but it’s a brand new feature.

Who It’s For…

The simple answer is anyone who needs newsletter software.

But I think Beehiiv is one of the most cutting-edge companies I’ve ever seen.

I switched from Convertkit 2 years ago.

I also moved another list over from Mailchimp a year ago.

I have ZERO regrets and plan to renew my annual plan.

Why I Love It…

It’s fast.

It can serve as your website.

The pricing is competitive (they have a free tier).

They ship updates like the Titanic (minus the sinking part).

I wrote a full article if you’d like more details.

Or you might want to…

Want FREE Promo in My Newsletter?

If you refer my newsletter to 2 friends who could benefit, I’ll shout you out and link to you in the newsletter! (use your referral link below to send to your friends).

Until next time!

(keep destroying that box 😉)

Helpful Resources 👀