Make $$$ with Billboards

No tenants or toilets - how have I not thought of this?

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Read Time: 2.7 minutes.

I’m pumped to hang out with you and 4,365 other box destroyers today!

Note: I’m constantly asked what tools I use in my business. Here’s my current list of tools. Reply to this email and ask me anything about them - happy to help.

$$$ with Billboards

Crazy, I’ve been involved in real estate for 15 years.

I have a real estate license, have flipped houses, and renovated properties.

We also have run multiple Airbnbs. 

I’ve heard of flipping raw land and have looked into it.


I had never considered the billboard business until I heard a guy talk about it on the Side Hustle Nation’s podcast.

He makes $30k/mo from 8 different billboards.

He likes it because it’s passive cash, and he doesn’t have to deal with tenants and toilets.

He can also own the underlying commercial property and do other things with it (e.g., lease it, build on it, sell the land in the future).

I look forward to looking more into this money idea.

Also, if you’re looking to launch your business and need a push, I'm offering you guys 50% off my business launch course. Either way, launch fast and adjust as you go!

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Business = Adapting

I wanted to recap this section this week.

Thousands of small publishers have lost 80-90% of web traffic.

Basically overnight.

And then Google’s search engine results are in a bit of disorganization.

Reddit is seeing the most traffic ever (of course there was a $60M+ deal with Google for their content to train Google’s AI).

And then, I want you to do something.

Search “best printer for 2024.”

Did the Verge article pop up for you? [interesting note: it no longer pops up for me — I think Google caught wind of viral posts and had it removed].

I talk about it more in this video.


As small businesses, we can easily pivot.

Like, almost instantly!

Over the next weeks and months, I’ll discuss my increased freelancing [I got my first Upwork gig and had a blast!], new Facebook page project, and the Amazon Influencer program in more detail.

Speaking of Amazon Influencer…

[May 18th] Amazon Influencer Program Update

I’ll give you an update and share a new thing I’m learning in each email.

An overview of the program is here and my first update ever is here.

(I also learned I’m not supposed to share dashboard info, so I will share less screenshots).

I’ve now created 80 videos.

And I’ve hired freelancers to make another 20 videos.

I just crossed $214 in earnings.

It will be fun to watch my hourly rate increase over time.

So I’m down from $11 per hour down to less than $1 per hour.

I see where my effective hourly rate could easily exceed $100-$200 (or more) per hour.

I’ll keep you posted 😉

Have questions?

Reply and let me know — I’m happy to report back what I find…

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Until next time!

(keep destroying that box 😉)

Helpful Resources 👀