Domain Flipping + Project Updates

Let's get to work 🕺🕺🕺

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I’m excited to hang out with you and 4,534 other box destroyers today! I’ll share my projects, the strategies I’m trying, and what I’m learning.

Note: I’m constantly asked what tools I use in my business. Here’s my current list of tools to help you with your money-making ideas. Reply to this email and ask me anything about them—I'm happy to help. Also, I use referral links when I have them. I may make a commission if you make a purchase through the links.

Read Time: 3 minutes.

Before we get started, I’m going to do some domain flipping and create videos about what I learn. I’m going to create a YouTube series on it titled something like “turning $100 into $1,000 by flipping domain names.”

If you have ideas or things you’d like to learn, let me know!

Ok, on to my project updates…

How I’m Using AI This Week…

I just tested out an image to video creator by Luma Labs.

I uploaded this image of me on Google’s wall like 15 years ago (I’m not sure this would fly today - no clue).

It made a pretty cool short video clip of the image (I’ll share more on YouTube soon…)

I can see us using this for fun with our local brand for fun short clips from images around our city.

Another is Leonardo.

The last time I looked at Leonardo, it was just ok.

But fast forward a few months, and it’s gotten crazy good.

I actually canceled my ChatGPT paid account for the time being (as they mentioned giving out ChatGPT 4o for free).

It looks like Leonardo AI can easily help fill in the gaps for image creation.

I’ve used it this past week for images I needed and it’s been great.

Keep up with AI

How do you keep up with the insane pace of AI? Join The Rundown — the world’s largest AI newsletter that keeps you up-to-date with everything happening in AI with just a 5-minute read per day.

Facebook Page Growth Project [06/22/24 Update]

My ad account was restricted, and I still don’t have it back.

I created a new ad account and am still having issues with ads getting rejected.

Facebook is clearly very sensitive to ads that have to do with money.

I need to find other pages in my niche running ads and see how they do it.

Here’s the new Facebook page.


We were growing at $.16 per like (way too high).

I need to be at less than $.10

I’ll update you soon.

PS - if this has happened to you before, let me know what I should do!

Amazon Influencer Program [06/15/24 Update]

I’ll give you an update and share a new thing I’m learning in each email.

An overview of the program is here and my first update ever is here.

I’ve now created 96 videos.

I’ve hired freelancers to make 30 videos.

My total earnings equal $625.11

When you factor in my expenses for video creation, I’m now at $11.68 per hour.

(if I had done all these videos myself, I’d be at $27/hr for my time).

I’ll keep you posted 😉

YouTube Music Channel [06/22/24 Update]

The Story: When I work, I often listen to LoFi hip hop or Chillstep or Ambient tunes that help me focus. I launched my own channel with the idea that I would listen to my own channel and be my own best customer.

Update: We signed up for a month of Suno and created 100+ songs that we’re going to generate videos from.

I created a template using Descript that allows for quicker song creation.

I made a vid showing my process if you’d like to check it out…

I’ll keep you guys posted on growth.

Updated Stats:

66 Videos
68 Videos

13 Subscribers
15 Subscribers

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Until next time!

(keep destroying that box 😉)

Helpful Resources 👀